| Hotel booking information |
Booking Coming Soon
| Free Transportation |
The cities of San Juan Capo and Dana Point offer a free trolley service during your stay that will take you all around San Juan and Dana Point. We will post the route and information as soon as they release the info.
| Recommendations during your stay |
| Eats and Places to Explore in Dana Point |
Ocean Institute | Learn about the sea and more
Dana Wharf | Dana Point Sport-fishing and Whale Watching for cruises to Catalina, fishing or whale/ dolphin watching
Jimmys Famous American Tavern | Excellent happy hour menu
Stacks | Best breakfast in town if you miss the free one at Best Western.
Coffee Importers | Amazing food in the harbor and they support our special needs students at Dana!
Proud Marys | Your lunch go to in the harbor.
Pizza Doho | It's across from Best Western on PCH. ​
| Eats and Places to Explore in San Juan Capistrano |
Mission San Juan | beautiful gardens and history
Los Rios street | Lots of cool original shops and great places to eat
Rancho Capo Winery | great wines and food in downtown
Five Vines | great wines and food in downtown
Ellies Table | Best breakfast and lunch in San Juan